A job interview is an important step in the job search process. Here are five tips to help you succeed in your job interview.
Be punctual at your interview.
At a job interview, you must be on time. Don’t be late, but arrive early. This will demonstrate to your boss how organized and punctual you are. You’re always late if you aren’t there on time.
Research, the company.
It is important to get to know the company inside and out. Visit their website to learn more about their history, values, and other information. They might also ask why you are applying for the position.
Tip – Be ready to answer any questions regarding the job by reviewing the job offer. Example: What tasks are associated with the job?
Never forget nonverbal communication.
Interviews are dominated by nonverbal communication. Are your eyes focused on your feet? Are your arms crossed? Do you lean back on your chair? These signs are indicative of inward-looking attitudes towards the interviewer. He won’t be able to get to know you well. Keep this in mind. Employers will also be paying attention to your appearance and how you present. Keep your appearance professional and neat.
Tip – Don’t forget to shake hands with the employer before and during the interview.
Be polite to everyone.
Yes! Be friendly and smile with everyone you meet. After your interview, the employer may ask employees their opinions about you.
Identify your “selling points” or reasons for applying for the job.
Prepare to present three to five key selling points to interviewers. Describe what makes you the best person to fill the role. Prepare an example of each selling point. Example: I convinced an entire group to …”).. Be prepared to explain why you are interested in the job, including your passions, the benefits it offers, and the skills required. Interviewers who don’t believe you are interested in the job will not give you a job offer, no matter how qualified you may be.
Be ready to answer any questions or reservations the interviewer may have.
There are always more applicants for jobs than openings. Interviewers need to find ways to screen candidates. Ask them why they don’t want to hire you. Prepare your defence. “I know you might think I may not be the right fit for this job because of [their reservation]. You should be aware that the interviewer shouldn’t be concerned.
Prepare for your interview.
Bring your resume, cover letter, and references to show that you are serious about the job and motivated. Your organizational skills will impress your employer!
Be positive.
No one likes a complainer, so don’t dwell too much on your negative experiences in an interview. Even if you are asked, “What courses do you like least?” Or “What was the worst thing about your previous job?” Don’t answer this question. Please don’t answer the question as it has been asked. You can instead say, “Well, I found something about all my classes that I liked.” For example, even though I found [class] very difficult, I liked that [positive point] about it” or that “I liked [a prior job] quite a lot, even though now I know I want to [new position].”